
Spot in front of a tactical vehicle
Building Your Agency’s Case for Spot
A police officer stands behind Spot with flashing lights in the background
Your Partner in Public Safety
Two Spot robots with Arms in an urban environment
Spot to the Rescue
Spot in Fukushima Daiichi
Spot doing inspections at Calder turbine hall
Robotics Role in Nuclear Decommissioning
How Spot is Changing the Game for Public Safety
Spot in a subway car
Robotics’ Role in Public Safety
Legged Robots in Public Safety
Spot equipped with Spot CAM+IR for autonomous inspections
Dominion Energy
Spot in a mining tunnel
LKAB and Luleå University Of Technology
Spot with an arm in a fire station
An Ethical Approach to Mobile Robots in Our Communities
Radiation Resiliency of The Spot Robot Platform
Spot performs in inspection in front of a nuclear hazard sign
How Much Radiation Can Spot Withstand?
A blue line diagram of Spot
COVID-19 Response