Companies are seeking ways to better understand the condition of their facilities so they can avoid costly equipment failures and unplanned downtime. Today, plant maintenance and operations teams employ a variety of strategies to reduce these risks—but what if you could identify problems even earlier?

Ultrasonic inspection is one way you can detect the earliest indicators of failures: changes in sound signatures—imperceptible by human ears.

In this webinar, we’ll explain how you can inspect more equipment, more frequently—without installing more inline sensors or performing more rounds with contact sensors. Spot autonomously performs acoustic vibration inspections of rotating machinery like motors, pumps, and conveyor systems with the Fluke SV600. In addition to compressed air leak detection, the SV600 can monitor frequencies of rotating equipment for signs of wear and tear beyond human hearing.

We’ll discuss:

  • How the Fluke SV600 helps find degraded bearings in your facility
  • How to evaluate the ultrasonic data captured by Spot
  • What cost benefits a non-contact, automated inspection solution offers
  • What you need to know to get started