Impact people-centric environments with the Spot Arm

The Spot Arm enables the robot to more effectively act on data and perform physical work.

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Take a new approach to “hands-on” tasks

The Spot Arm offers a new way for the robot to work in the world: both remotely controlled and autonomous tasks are possible—and easy—with this seamless solution.


When equipped with an arm, Spot uses its full body to balance and position itself for manipulation tasks, improving its range of motion without sacrificing mobility.

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The Spot Arm enables a range of manual, semi-automated, and fully-automated manipulation and sensing actions to fit your application’s needs.


An intuitive tablet interface and API make it easy to control the mobile robot arm. Operators can complete complex manipulation tasks with minimal training.

Mobile manipulation for almost any occasion

Being able to directly interact with its environment allows Spot to perform a wider range of tasks in your worksite.


Grasp, lift, carry, place, and drag a variety of items with the arm's 6-degrees of freedom and gripper.


Use the in-gripper LED illuminator and 4K camera to inspect objects and equipment before taking action.


Semi-autonomously turn valves, flip levers, open doors, and manipulate other objects with constrained movement.

Adapt to new situations and make an impact

With the push of a button or swipe of a screen, the arm will open doors, flip switches, point sensors, and more. Whether you are using teleoperation or autonomous behaviors, the Spot Arm offers you the tools for success.

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The Spot Arm offers a full range of motion with 6-degrees of freedom, a capable gripper, and an almost one meter reach.

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Lift up to 11kg and drag up to 25kg with the arm. Spot uses its whole body to enable manipulation tasks.

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Integrated sensors include time of flight (ToF) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors to enable actuate control, as well as a 4k RGB camera in the gripper.

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The Arm API allows developers to create custom applications, with both joint-space control and end-effector control.

An operator uses the Spot tablet controller to direct Spot to flip a lever
A computer screen displaying programming for the Spot Arm, with an inset image of Spot running the programmed application

Find new ways for Spot to interact

The Spot Arm provides researchers and developers with another dimension for innovation. Offering precise repeatable actions out of the box, this mobile robot arm, literally and figuratively, opens doors to new research applications.

Spot investigates a suspicious package

Operate safely using remote manipulation

With the Spot Arm, operators can issue high level commands via the tablet to get up and running with very little training. On-board sensors simplify manual control of the arm when out of line of sight, allowing operators to complete tasks like nuclear material handling or suspicious package investigation while from a safe distance.

Spot robot front close-up
Expand Spot’s ability to manipulate its surroundings.

Contact our team to learn more and get started.